Even though the process for learning all this has been engaging and eye-opening for me, I understand that reading it may not have the page-turning quality that, say, a Harry Potter book might. The tenant is required to send his/her section 8 advisor a copy of any lease termination or eviction notice. So, for every quibbly sentence about definitions of criminal activity, and references to what, exactly, is good cause, there's someone whose stable housing lies in that balance; who may need an advocate to tell them: "I've read about this! And in the letter my brother stated that he lives in various places. If you receive housing through Section 8 and it has been terminated because of a contract violation, reapply to get your benefits restored. And this isn't legal advice, either. Administration:  608-257-0006 x0 Fax: 608-229-1317UW-Madison Campus Office • 333 East Campus Mall (Student Activity Center) Room 3156, Madison, WI 53715Currrently closed due to COVID-19, see website for details. You have to make the payments. The federal government established Section 8 as an open door for many low-income people to affordable housing. Have been terminated from the Section 8 program. To even be considered to receive a voucher, the individual must meet four basic criteria which includes their … I hope that when you read this, you see as I do, all the ways that we can work together to protect those who hold these vouchers, the tired, the poor, the wretched refuse, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free. They may not be terminated from the program for some reasons. Depending upon specific changes in size and income level of the family in question or the individual applicant, Section 8 eligibility may be terminated or initiated. The Section 8 program has very strict standards, so it is not unusual to fail a Section 8 inspection. Once you fix all items on the list, you can schedule a re-inspection with the Section 8 office. If you had a job that paid $7.50/hr and you worked 24 hours a week, then you would still qualify despite working more hours. Second, realize that the Housing Authority can choose to deny an application for a Voucher because of “adverse rental history.” The Housing Authority may think “if you broke the rules at the last place, you’re probably going to break the rules at the next place.” You really don’t want to take that chance if you can avoid it. Sometimes, a voucher holder will receive a termination notice - something saying, hey, you've been getting help from us, but a rule has been broken and now we're going to stop paying our part of your rent. According to the Federal Regulations governing section 8 subsidized housing, the program can be terminated if you are accused of a drug or violent crime, … If either one claims you owe money due to that tenancy, deal with the problem. You can bring in legal counsel to a grievance hearing as well. If you get a notice of eviction from the landlord, you will also get a letter from the Housing Authority telling you the Voucher will be “terminated” if the eviction goes through. If you have a Section 8 Voucher (also called Housing Choice Voucher), the Housing Authority must give you a written notice before it takes your voucher away. You pay about a third of your income toward the rent. If you violate your obligations under the Section 8 program, you can be terminated. The federal regulations spell out reasons why someone can be terminated, and we're summarizing the main reasons here. You can “owe money” because you didn’t pay all the rent, or you didn’t pay the utility bill which was in the landlord’s name. Pay all rent. Not necessarily. but the rent is paid. Section 8 participants can be terminated for drug-related or violent criminal activity by a household member that takes place anywhere - it doesn’t have to occur in the apartment. Most likely (because they are low-enough-income to qualify for Section 8 in the first place), they are about to become homeless, if they are not able to successfully dispute the termination. Yes. We are also, notably, not experts about Section 8 vouchers. Failure to report changes in income can lead to a termination of your voucher benefits. As Section 8 eligibility is strongly determined by income, agencies ask that tenants report their income and employment records. Answer. If you are the victim of domestic violence, sexual violence, or stalking, and the reason you are facing a section 8 termination is because of something you abuser did, you can explain the situation and ask to keep your voucher. It is not permitted to give another Section 8 Voucher , or at least not for a long time. Please note! Or maybe the landlord just doesn’t like you, but you haven’t broken any rules in your lease. and you worked 12 hours a week, you probably wouldn't qualify for section 8. Does An Eviction Automatically Mean That I Will Lose My Section 8 Voucher? Accept Section 8 tenant-based assistance while receiving another housing subsidy for the same unit. Even if you want to move after you win the case. Section 8 tenants can be victims of domestic violence. Maybe the landlord doesn’t want to do repairs that are needed to meet Section 8 rules. Today, I'm diving into terminations from the Section 8 program - when someone receives a notice that their Section 8 voucher will be taken away from them. you decide). Many of these are in 24 CFR § 982.552(c)2. Low income families can get help from Section 8 housing near them. Before you can begin the eviction process, you're required by law to give the tenant a final deadline by sending him or her a pay or quit notice . It's worth fighting! However, there is a program called Homeowner's Assistance that is provided by some housing authorities. If you violate your obligations under the Section 8 program, you can be terminated. I recently moved from one state to another and my home housing authority stated the forms were faxed to the new housing authority. So, the housing worker says, "this is why we're terminating you" then a tenant always has a chance to say, "wait a minute. Maybe the landlord wants you out so his cousin Vinnie can move in. Remove all trash and unwanted possessions. Speak to an attorney for assistance if you are a Section 8 voucher holder facing eviction. The Section 8 program is run by HUD. If you disagree with the reason for eviction, you have the right to ask for a hearing at the Housing Authority about whether your Voucher should be taken away. It isn’t a matter of what the Housing Authority “decides” to do. We get a lot of questions about these, though, and we wanted to make some basic information available to our readers. Function. Yes. Here are some of those: Because the housing authority needs to take into consideration "all relevant circumstances," evidence of rehabilitation, and the impact the decision might have on innocent members of the household, there's a lot of room to dispute even a legally valid termination notice. Your Voucher can be cut off because you are not following the Payment Agreement. Your voucher could be terminated and what’s worse, you may never qualify to get another one. Can I Transfer My Section 8 to My Daughter? You can also “owe money” if you caused damages, and you haven’t paid for the cost to fix the damage. Domestic violence victims should speak with a lawyer if they think they are being evicted for this reason. This is not legal advice! Section 8 landlords can terminate the tenancy of a tenant who receives Section 8 benefits on the basis of "good cause." If you are evicted for using drugs, you will be denied ALL FORMS of federal housing assistance for three years. (Please note! Section 8 and Subsidized Housing Part 04: Informal Review and Hearing Process If you've received notice that you're being terminated from the Section 8 program, you have a number of rights, including the right to challenge the termination decision. All of these things can cause you to “owe money” to the Housing Authority or to the Section 8 landlord. Eviction for causing disturbances on the property will cause loss of Section 8 Voucher. The program is a Federal Government funded benefit for very low income families, the disabled, veterans, single moms and seniors. Section 8 housing vouchers are located near you, me or … Unfortunately, some people they think they will keep their Section 8 Voucher after an eviction. MovingFind forms and FAQs for Section 8 participants who are moving. Commit fraud, bribery or any other corrupt criminal act in connection with any federal housing program. Section 8 tenants can be victims of domestic violence. Whether Section 8 Voucher, or “public housing.” This applies to any Housing Authority anywhere in the nation. With Section 8 you have 10 days to report any changes in income or household members. This is one of those situations where Housing Authorities don’t have a choice. We hope this helps. Even after the three years are up, Housing Authorities can still “consider” the criminal or drug activity as part of an “adverse rental history.” A Housing Authority may decide they just don’t want anyone with any criminal record. This section needs expansion. If you have a disagreement with your landlord and move out, be sure that there are no outstanding charges that will remain on your record. That depends on if your income still qualifies for the income limit. This website or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the Tenant Resource Center. It's over." I was working with Wipro and got terminated without any reasons and when I talked to the hr manager he told me that it is written in my offer letter that they can terminate me without any reasons. Service of the notice is deemed effective once the notice has been both mailed and hand delivered. And that we are in a relationship I received a letter two days ago stating my section 8 will be terminated. The landlord can issue notice to terminate during the lease term for lease violations or other good cause. Most likely (because they are low-enough-income to qualify for Section 8 in the first place), they are about to become homeless, if they are not able to successfully dispute the termination. You just can't earn too much. Technically, only the Housing Authority decides whether you get to keep your Section 8 Voucher. For many people, the Section 8 Voucher is far more important than the particular place where they live. The tenant is required to send his/her section 8 advisor a copy of any lease termination or eviction notice. riveting journalistic foray? You can help by adding to it. They may not be terminated from the program for some reasons. For guidance about your situation, talk to a lawyer. For more information on the reasons for Section 8 voucher terminations, review the sections below. Even if you have done nothing wrong, your landlord does not have to renew your lease. If you are a resident of Section 8 Project Based building, and your lease is terminated or not renewed, please contact Legal Aid for further advice and counsel. My Section 8 tenant just died. It depends on the reason for the eviction. Can you donate a few dollars a month? month to month, year to year). But! Rental Rights (Dane County): 608-257-0006 • We are unable to serve Outside Dane County at this time due to loss of funding. Thank you for your comment. C. Termination only for Grounds Listed in Regulations. Can i get my section 8 taken away? But in order for a tenant to do that, or a housing worker to make the best choices possible, everyone needs to know the rules. Inside every Section 8 termination is someone who is terrified that they are going lose their housing. Project-based Section 8 building You go to your building management each year to determine your rent. But if you aren’t making the payments, the Housing Authority has no choice. Second, if you do owe money to the landlord or the housing authority, work out a payment agreement and make the payments! ... Any pre-paid HAP Contract payment beyond the contract termination date must be repaid. Should you meet qualifying guidelines for Section 8 housing vouchers to resume, benefits may be immediately reinstated or you may be placed on a waiting list. In New Hampshire, an employer can fire without giving a reason or a notice. Finally, if you are evicted for not paying rent you may be denied section 8 assistance in the future. And that's why this dispute procedure exists. Once in court, and once at the Housing Authority. 0 No votes yet. Section 8 Multifamily Housing (No Voucher) If you have "project-based" Section 8 assistance in privately owned multifamily housing (which is not a voucher), how much a landlord can charge for a security deposits can vary slightly depending upon the program. You or any member of your family: Have been evicted from HUD housing in the last five years. BUT IT'S NOT OVER. First of all, realize that in many areas, the waiting list for section 8 vouchers is usually 6 to 12 months, or more. A situation like this really depends on the housing authority in your area. The process is a bit different if you're in the tenant-based program or the project-based program. recently my brother got upset because me and his girl friend got into an argument he contacted my section 8 coordinator housing and stated that he lives with me. What happens to the HAP Contract? In most cases, landlords will need to go through the courts to secure an eviction if they wish to terminate a Section 8 tenancy. Contact, Administrative plans: there's one for each housing authority. They will once again send the inspector to determine if all issues have been fixed. You will keep getting the benefit of the Section 8 Voucher, no matter where you live, as long as you keep your eligibility for the Voucher program. The case worker assigned for Section 8 can be good or sometimes awful. What should a landlord do if he/she wants to terminate a Section 8 tenancy? In both programs, the tenant typically pays 30% of their monthly income for housing costs. Read the lease again.