Custom TacO Markers installation: Download the latest version of GW2 TacO; Extract TacO from the archive somewhere - I recommend guild wars 2 folder. Great Dwarf save us!" Confessor Dorian: By my divine hand you will pay for your heresy! GW2 Treasures: The Guild Wars 2 Item Database. Using a defend-the-King strategy, you will often need to put a little more damage on foes damaged but not killed by the ballistae, otherwise they will heal before getting to the king. Thunderhead Keep. : Head south from Derelict Delve Waypoint — into the … From Guild Wars 2 Wiki. Thunderhead Peaks. Memory Essence Encapsulator in your inventory. Top Dragon Responder: Thunderhead Keep – 5AP. I recently came Back to GW2 after 6 years of absence and Just unlocked Thunderhead Keep. Approach it from Deldrimor Ruins. Another way to keep mobs far away is to wait for a lull in the attacks, and then have the party leave the fort entirely and head north to point D. Be sure that you go around the fort in both directions so as not to miss any mobs on the way to the fort that can kill the king while you are away. Be on your guard. thunderhead north gw2. Fight bravely in the name of Deldrimor. Branded Sunderer 11. Wer're trapped outside the fort! Follow the red path into the fort, clearing several groups along the way. White mantle are much stronger now, but most of the siege is still manageable with about the same tactics as in normal mode. It is still possible to light both beacons with one person (for full hench parties), as long as you drop the torch when running from the first beacon to the second. You may also wish to use the ballistae to kill some giants outside the fort before killing the last of the mobs in the fort. We must clear out these Stone Summit traitors. Once all eight groups are dead, Ironhammer will open the gate at point B. Need access to the area when the Thunderhead Keep meta opens up at xx:45 every other hour. Dorian comes with six White Mantle, of which exactly one will be a Priest. Thunderhead Keep The Deldrimor Dwarves are in trouble. Jade can quickly destroy Mursaat and other Jade with Spectral Agony. If we find them they will be of great use. To access the Dwarven Rooms, you must complete the Thunderhead Keep and The Oil Floes META events and obtain the following items: - Light of the Deldrimor Plate Top Half (Thunderhead Keep) - Light of the Deldrimor Plate Bottom Half (The Oil Floes) Items … This mission is the twenty second mission in the Prophecies campaign and the third and final mission in the Southern Shiverpeaks region. The third phase will not begin until the boss from the second phase is dead, so you have plenty of time to kill the boss in the second phase. If you stay in the fort, consider using the ballistae to damage the attackers as they enter the bombard zones. King Jalis Ironhammer: A mission to the Ring of Fire would be suicide. Frigid Paw will be waiting at the top of the ramp. When it works, however, you can do little or no fighting until well into the second phase of the siege. This has the advantage that if done properly, no mobs will ever come remotely near the king. Perhaps the confessor can still be of some use to us. Behind it lies the secret to defeating the Mursaat. restlessreveries. Trying to stay back and let the Jade fight for you also risks aggroing them at a highly inconvenient time. Lighting the beacons will draw the groups of Mursaat on the outskirts of the keep to the fort. This will be our finest hour! Thunderhead’s ONE is a unique platform for customer engagement and quickly gives us the ability to truly understand our candidates and clients and service their needs in real-time, marking a momentous point in our ability to build engagement. Unfortunately, they sometimes get out of the way and let another group of mobs slip by, forcing you to clear those mobs to defend the king. In particular, if attacking the boss and some other mobs come, leave the boss alone to kill the other mobs. Thunderhead Keep is a mission outpost. Specifically, each beacon lit early enough will attract two Jade Armors and one Jade Bow to the respective gate. He will follow whoever talks to him while outside of combat, but will charge at any enemies he sees; he will not run away even if the rest of the group does. Repel invading Branded, and kill them near the charging crystals to fill the resonance crystal, Rally the Pact soldiers, corsairs, and Zephyrites, Ready your forces for the assault on Kralkatorrik, Sit back and watch as they tear through the Stone Summit with Spectral Agony. Note: While the outpost description does describe Thunderhead Keep, this location itself is not the actual Thunderhead Keep. Check his group composition while he's running around, and if there are savants, use flags as necessary to spread your group out. Once Confessor Dorian's group is killed, no more mobs are coming. Time is tight, so you may wish to do a practice run before starting the cut scene, so as not to get disoriented long enough to fail the bonus. Vizier Khilbron: If you will allow me this indulgence, King Ironhammer. Thunderhead Keep is an ancient dwarven fortress located in Thunderhead Peaks. This site is not affiliated with ArenaNet, Guild Wars 2, or any of their partners. See also. At this time, the Ascendants will rise, and the way to the Door will be clear. It is especially vital not to kill the Mursaat or Jade boss that comes until all other mobs in the fort are dead. The safety player can help with fighting via very long range heals such as Light of Deliverance or Recuperation. World Boss Portal Device - a Gem Store item that announces the occurrence of world bosses in the in-game chat and allows instant teleportation to their locations. The Forge. Within the last generation, Thunderhead Keep has become the capital of the Deldrimor nation. It is the fortress-like capital city of the Deldrimor Dwarves. So much Nostalgia. Thunderhead Keep mission map:(A) King Jalis Ironhammer(B) City Gate(C) Throne(D) Alternate strategy rendezvous(1) Storm Beacons. One way to guard such choke points is by splitting your party to guard both gates at once, with portions of the group at one gate running over to the other as necessary to help out. Once inside the city, the game will inform you that there are eight groups to kill, and count down as you kill each group. Perhaps the most common approach is to stay near the king, moving out slightly to fight mobs as they come. Signed up for the GW2 beta! Dagnar Stonepate: Deldrimor will belong to the Stone Summit, and all those who oppose us shall die! During the first phase, the waves consist of Stone Summit Dwarves and Enslaved Frost Giants. Getting There . Dwarven Chest #21. The Heroic Font at Thunderhead Keep, what's it for? Upon completion of the mission players will find themselves in: This mission is the only way to get to the, Due to the difficulty in completing the mission with random groups, few. Seize that which you were born to do. NPCs Stand fast friends! Fingers crossed! Undead Lich: It won't be long now. Thunderhead Peaks Teleportation Scroll. King Jalis Ironhammer: Not even death will save you from my wrath. The other white mantle are much less troublesome, and Dorian's Heal Area isn't much of a problem, either. This mission is sometimes referred to as THK. To the north of the city are several roamer groups with overlapping paths. King Jalis Ironhammer: Brechnar, do you know what you are saying? Branded Dredge Excavator 7. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. BONUS Light the beacons to draw additional Mursaatforces into The basic strategy is to keep the mobs away from King Ironhammer. King Jalis Ironhammer: Go with honor, my brother. King Jalis Ironhammer: The Ring of Fire? Today's was a great victory, but now your true challenge begins. Beware Stone Summit! Mission . It can help to have untargeted group heals to be able to heal through Shame or Mark of Subversion. Be careful not to aggro too many groups at once, as you cannot simply retreat as in other missions. Branded Devourer 5. Thunderhead Keep (meta event) Interact Yes Destructible No. Inside the fort, there are five groups of two or four mobs, as well as a boss, Dagnar Stonepate. GW2 All or Nothing story and Thunderhead Peaks Map Achievements Guide. Today you must prevail, for the tale does not end here. Yet another way to protect the king is to have all but one party member go out to meet the attackers as they reach the gates, while the remaining party member plays free safety around the middle of the fort, to intercept any mobs that should come in the opposite gate at an inconvenient time. These two types of mobs and the white mantle priest are the top priorities to kill. Brechnar Ironhammer: Until we are reunited in the Great Forge. The GW2 TacO icon will appear after you log in to a character. The peaks and valleys of the Shiverpeaks will be painted in blood. I grant you this boon and the aid of these undead servants. We must retake this great city. The drawback to this is that King Ironhammer will run up to any mobs he sees to attack them, and will not back up after they are dead. Confessor Dorian: There is but one punishment for you. Detailed guide on Sky Pirates achievement. Thunderhead Keep (During related events only) Event involvement Enchanted torches appear at the base of each, so it is just a matter of running to each beacon, picking up the torch there and clicking the beacon. The meta event occurs every 2 hours, starting just after dusk (fifteen minutes before the daily reset and every two hours thereafter) and lasting for 20 minutes. A more treacherous land in Tyria there is not. Branded Minotaur 3. Memory Essence Encapsulator can be purchased from Volatile Magic Collectors for . Complete the Thunderhead Keep Dragon Response Mission. The boss will come in the west gate, and then several more mobs will slowly trickle in through that gate. Jalis Ironhammer stands in Thunderhead Keep once more! Since the Stone Summit uprising, it has served double duty as both the royal court to King Jalis Ironhammer and the last line of defense for the good Dwarves of Deldrimor. The dwarves outside the keep will plead for their lives, if they scream out "The end is here! Brechnar Ironhammer: Not without some Dwarven help. King Jalis Ironhammer: My countrymen are trapped outside. Brechnar Ironhammer: Then may we meet each other in the afterlife. The first phase ends with one of six Stone Summit bosses. GW2 Thunderhead Peaks Treasure achievement guide with locations of all 24 Dwarven chests you need for the achievement. Defeat Wrathbringer in Thunderhead Keep while holding a . Vizier Khilbron: You have taken the keep, but your fight is not yet over. He is not infused, and while he has enough health to survive one blast of Spectral Agony, he cannot survive long against Mursaat and Jade. It was left behind and later fell into ruins when the dwarves headed to the Depths of Tyria to fight against the Destroyers. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Sometimes lighting the torches on time also results in a failed bonus. Map. During the cut scene Vizier Khilbron appears and summons a few Smoke Phantoms to aid you (five: two on one fort entrance and three on the other) and the king settles down onto his throne(point c), leaving the fighting to you. It is easier to run through the courtyard instead of around the perimeter because of the shorter distance and absence of obstacles. Talk to Ironhammer to complete the mission. … You need to avoid Branded Siege Devourer 10. Thunderhead Keep is a meta event that takes place within the area of the same name in the northeastern part of the Thunderhead Peaks. Once the second phase starts, the bonus Jade are thus killed pretty quickly if you haven't killed them already. We must prepare. It is usually easiest to kill the groups at the top of the fort first, then pull the other groups up the stairs to fight them only one group at a time. #gw2 #guild wars 2 #gw2 fan submission #gw2 screenshots #thunderhead keep #gw2 jumping puzzle #guildwars2 #path of fire #gw2 path of fire. It may help to advance slowly to see how far the roamers come up, and pull only one group at a time. GuildWars Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Standing right next to it with both a regular and a lesser vision crystal and nothing happens. Leaving a single spirit at the gate will suffice to reset their health regeneration. Lighting the beacons will save them. King Jalis Ironhammer: The time has come for you to repay your debt to the Dwarves of Deldrimor. A player with a longbow or flatbow can sometimes shoot Dagnar from south of the fort, and pull him just enough for the party to kill him before entering the fort. Thunderhead Keep. Ballistae in Thunderhead Keep have been upgraded to be especially effective against the Branded. You can pull groups even alone by flagging henchmen and heroes ahead to aggro mobs, and then back to where you're standing, while you stand way back. Complete Thunderhead Keep Dragon Response Mission with all challenges active. Do not let it linger. Lord of the Ley Dance – 1 APAvoid all ley-hazard damage during the first trial. Normally you have to light the beacons before the waves start coming; however, on some occasions there will be a bug that allows the bonus to complete while lighting the torches too late. Clearing the fort will trigger a cut scene and start the siege. Be sure to kill some giants outside the fort with a ballista before starting the siege. You can use this time to pick up any unclaimed items or to explore the area outside the fort. It is unknown what causes this bug to trigger. When the enemy waves start coming in, these additional enemies can provide a first line of defense. Dagnar Stonepate always spawns, while other Dwarf bosses have a 50% chance of spawning, and Mursaat/Jade bosses have a 1 in 6 chance of spawning. After clearing the fort and watching the cutscene (right before the siege), the king will ask you to light the beacons to save the Dwarves trapped outside the walls. Not long at all. Under the bridge in the back of the area. No answers in map chat, no hits on reddit, nothing on wiki. Likewise, kill the bonus Jade as soon as they come, as you have plenty of time then, but if you wait, they might aggro on you at a highly inconvenient time later. In the caldera of the largest volcano you will find the power you need. You may wish to pull the group at the north end of the bridge well onto the bridge proper, as another group including a boss will come up behind them and join in the fight if you are there. With only henchmen and/or heroes, this can be done by flagging them ahead to aggro mobs, and then back to pull the mobs to where you want. It helps immensely to pull the first group north of the bridge to about the middle of the bridge this way. This also helps to pull apart the various groups in the fort. 35 notes. To keep the King safe, it can help to have a backline character talk to him first. Branded Griffon 2. If you let mobs get too close to him a few times, he can end up running way out to a position much harder to defend. You can pull carefully by having someone other than the player whom Ironhammer follows handle pulling, while the player keeps the king back until mobs have come to where you wish to fight them. King Jalis Ironhammer: Deldrimor declares war! King Ironhammer is as reckless as before, and the mobs you face are stronger in hard mode, making it critical to pull and kill only one group at a time. Pages in … The left hand of Grenth himself comes for us. Location Shiverpeak Mountains. February 5, 2021 It looks like most have fled or been killed, but some of my countrymen may still remain. The rest of the group should let mobs come into the fort by about an aggro bubble range, so as not to overextend. King Jalis Ironhammer: Never give me the opportunity for revenge. Your destiny lies to the west. This is a mission entry. If Ironhammer dies, the mission fails, so keep an eye on him. Complete the Thunderhead Keep Dragon Response Mission with all three challenge motes active a total of 5 times. Everything else will die much more quickly, and focusing fire on the boss can let other mobs stack up too much and overwhelm your group. Launch GW2 TacO via the executable « GW2TacO.exe » (or the shortcut you have created). An opening will be given to the disciples of the Unseen. Recommended to have a 5 player group for this. During the second and third phases, the waves consist of Mursaat, Jade, and White Mantle. Note that none of the mobs you fight are infused. The other approach is to guard choke points through which all mobs must pass in order to get into the fort. Everyone is in trouble these days, but they are the only ones who can transport us to the fire island so we must get their fortress back. Our battle will become more perilous for it, but if we do not, those brave dwarves will see the Great Forge before their time. The six additional Jade enemies that come forward as a result of the beacons are hostile to all the other enemy units, including other Mursaat, Jade, and White Mantle. Vizier Khilbron: True enough, but that is where we will find the Door of Komalie. For information on the location Thunderhead Keep, see Thunderhead Keep (location). At the start of the mission, talk to King Jalis Ironhammer at point A to begin the mission in earnest. The mission Iron Mines of Moladune will bring you here. Searched recently. Dwarven Soldier: HELP! You must go to the Ring of Fire island chain. Kill all other mobs that come first, before fighting the boss of the second phase. Vizier Khilbron: This is just as it was written in the Flameseeker Prophecies. It was such a pain getting monks for this Mission and I swear that 75% of all attempts playing this mission failed with random groups because you had to keep this dwarf alive at all cost. The second phase has a Mursaat or Jade boss come near the end of it, which has extremely high armor and may take quite a while to wear down. They drive before them the denizens of the Shiverpeak Mountains. Neighbor(s) Ice Floe For information on the mission, see Thunderhead Keep (mission). Saturday, February 11, 2012. The size of the GW2 TacO interface will be the size of your game interface. Confessor Dorian's group can vary wildly in difficulty, depending on how many savants and sycophants he brings. I'll open this door once the city is clear. The Guild Wars 2 Wiki has an article on Thunderhead Keep. He is a fairly durable level 24 warrior, so mobs will mostly leave him alone to attack your party if given the chance. The final five mobs of the second phase eventually come in the east gate, so you may have to leave the boss to go grab them when they start coming, but once they arrive, nothing else comes until the third phase. Vizier Khilbron: Through this portal awaits your destiny. 50 Ecto + 10 Orichalcum Filigree + 1 Lesser Vision Crystal + 3 Xunlai Electrum Ingot. You must now defend the king against the various mobs that come to attack. Branded Dredge Ratnik 9. Dwarven Soldier: The end is here! It isn't necessary to keep them alive, and their use of Frenzy means they will almost surely die unless the group makes a deliberate effort to heal them. Branded Awakened Soldier 8. Veteran Branded … Any Dwarven soldiers still alive will continue following King Ironhammer at this point, which mostly removes them from combat. Branded 1. The siege consists of three phases. then the chance to light the beacons is lost. Swtor Spy Star Wars The Old Republic database, guides, walkthrough with screenshots. Stay connected with ELLS International. Branded Human 6. This is only the outpost for the mission carrying that name. The time of our judgment is near. I will go with them. Keeping them alive for the end siege has some benefits and thus encourages even more having a backline character talk to the King initially, thus keeping the King and the Soldiers away from initial aggro of battles. We are proud to work with Thunderhead to keep their ONE Engagement Hub a trusted platform with the highest quality user experience. The Mantle followed you! Try to blast Dorian's group with ballistae a few times as they come around the perimeter of the fort, before entering it. Each group has four or five members and is not difficult if you pull only one group at a time. This page was last edited on 18 January 2021, at 01:13. I beg you, draw them away or we will surely die! This also lets the safety player step up to heal some casters with normal range heals if needed. He can keep mobs off of Ironhammer until help arrives, though the rest of the party should rush to help out if they let anything slip by. Follow. Fortunately, mobs will usually only attack the king if they do not see another party member first. In addition to the king, there are three Dwarven Soldiers that follow Ironhammer. King Jalis Ironhammer: You're a brave lot, but you'll not make it past the beachhead. If the entire party huddles around the king's position, it is often possible to not aggro them. The drawback of this approach is that a split party can have one half get overwhelmed as other party members guard the other gate. There are two Storm Beacons that you must light: one on the east wall and one on the west wall (both points marked 1 on the map). Great Dwarf save us! The Mursaat are closing in on us! ; Maguuma Pact Operation Portal Device - a Gem Store item that announces the occurrence of meta events within the Heart of Maguuma and instant teleportation to their locations. Death! Branded Awakened Archer 4. BONUS Light the beacons to draw additional Mursaatforces into Veteran Branded Minotaur 12. You have only a few seconds after the cut scene to do this, so it'll be easiest to designate one person on the team to light each beacon before taking their assigned position. The bonus is to save the 12 Dwarven soldiers outside the keep by lighting the Storm Beacons to draw the Mursaat forces on the outskirts of the keep to the keep. The Mursaat and their White Mantle counterparts are headed this way. Content updates that add story, rewards & more to the world of GW2 This has the advantage of always being near the king, so that you can easily grab any mobs that come. Menu Search Treasures Items Achievements Skins Professions Traits Specializations Mounts World versus World Items. The large group including Confessor Dorian is the final one of the third phase. Credit for the bonus is only granted by talking to the King after killing Confessor Dorian's group at the end of the mission. It's visible at the top left of your screen (next to the icons of the game). Dagnar will not chase very far, but the rest of the mobs will chase a considerable distance if pulled. You can freely loot at this time or explore the area.