My first impression of your dream about you boyfriend is that it may reflect your current paths within your relationship. Since the other truck follows you, I wonder if it is something that is haunting you or following you within this relationship that you need to confront at some point in order to strengthen the relationship and continue. You need to learn from the past and acknowledge something that is holding you back in order to move forward. Here in Qatar, the Police is very strict and not talking unless he will tell you that you failed and go out from the car. You may be experiencing inner turmoil and may need intervention. The first dream I passed a huge windmill (in silhoutte only) before driving into what appeared to be the ocean. What does this dream about my death by car mean? )may not be working for you well or if not expressed, may lead to disaster. Dreaming of a car fire may represent two different sentiments and depends upon context and the feelings the fire evokes in the dreamer. She's a celebrity, and I'm very attracted to her. Hi there, I've dreamed about parking a car in the car park of 2 lanes and I felt it's wasn't parked properly but still I left it as is but when I got out the car still tried to park it correctly by itself then it drove forward, engine stalled and ended up parralel parked properly next to the kerb... mzindependent from Texas on June 27, 2012: Thanks for sharing this insightful hub! You again slide off the bridge which is a symbol for transition. This may show that emotions you are repressing or ignoring are having a negative impact on your path now. In this dream, it seems you like at first saw change as harmful and had a negative view or fears. Question: I had a dream where I was sleeping. I had a dream last night that I was being forced to drive faster by the car behind me and as we took a wide turn too fast, my car went over the edge into a steep fall, heading for a massive strength of water and certain death. Once my bf and I were made aside we speeded off and so the truck started to follow us. This dream sounds like it relates to issues that may be holding you back from getting to where you need to go in life. Being swept away by a flood would relate to being swept away by emotion. In response to this she walks up to my car window, puts her hands on my car possessively, and says that she's not looking for a long term relationship (implying that she was looking for a short term relationship though). Is his behavior in reaction to her? I remember feeling like my dream was really long but only remember this part of it: I was in a car (not sure if I recognized it). Are you on a crash course in your life in some way? My best friend and someone else walked ahead of me and left me behind. You could be doing this, he could be doing this or perhaps when you two interact, you pick up on old issues and regress back into arguments. I saw the person cringe their face as I looked and saw the driver had his head what appeared to be the windshield through it and not their. SInce you are talking about renting a storage unit, it may be that you are not ready or not choosing to right now, embark on a new life's journey. Are you taking risks that could result in legal issues? This dream sounds like it could relate to your life's path and something you are losing or harming within yourself long the way. I could see how this could relate to harming your future success. What could this mean? Where the car is going or what the car contains may give you a clue about the core insecurity influencing your current path. What if in the dream, you watch someone else get hit me a car, and the driver does it on purpose? Not looking would relate to avoiding or escaping issues in your life. Dreams like this usually relate to fears related to our relationship with the other person or something the person could represent. My first guess would be that you and your husband are representing aspects of self for your friend. Then suddenly this blond hair medium size lady who I don't know who she is showed up and she seemed to own the truck, she was with another guy... We were trying to find a tow trucks phone number and we finally dd on this old sign. Are you struggling with sharing control and developing a balanced relationship or do you find you are giving up your control and not using your own personal power to influence your relationship in a positive way? In this dream, when you let go and allow the car to drive itself (which is strange but dreams can be that way!) This is harder to do than what you were attempting yet it happened on its own. Since you broke up with your ex right before this dream, part of the dream could be related to how much your life's direction is changing based on the end of this significant relationship. If it still fails please use the Quick Registration Form. It could be his past or his reaction to his past that is creating a problem that is not allowing him to move forward towards his goals. Perhaps you need to embrace the water, understand the water, accept the water (emotion, unconscious) before moving on. It is scary to be in transition, making a change before you know where you are changing to, but it sounds like this change can be positive for you although it brings up unpleasant emotions such as fear, anxiety, panic. In another way, it may show you are avoiding dealing with something that needs your attention. It may mean that parts of your life that you cling to are becoming obsolete and no longer of use to you. Explore your personal experiences in car dealerships. Dreamt that I was trying to stop a car, the car kept going, I ended up falling to the ground face up and the car and 2 other cars went over me, I did not get injured or killed. Once you understood the change a bit more, you were relieved which may be your reaction to change in general. Question: I had a dream that my mom got hit by a car. These issues would be on the back of your mind and influencing you. With Geely's support we are set to create an incredible range of new cars which are true to the Lotus name and DNA." This could relate to jobs, relationships, or other areas of life. this dream may be a way for your unconscious to prompt you to pay more attention, take a more active role in your life, and evaluate your priorities. You are undecided about what you want to do with your life. My friend dreamed my husband rolled out my car while i was driving. I get there and staying with him, he eventually got better. One night I was driving it on a winding road next to a lake and someone next to me turned on the windshield wipers and also kept pushing the windshield fluid button. Skoda Octavia Skoda Octavia is a 5 seater Sedan available in a price range of Rs. Perhaps your traditional ways have moved into being a bit stuck in the past. Answer: If I had this dream, the first thing I would ask myself is, "Am I going down a destructive path?" I really feel your interpretation is right on the mark! The person driving veered off to the edge of the road and the road started to break away and there was a fire under it. The dream may also be a pun on your "drive" and aspirations. I dreamed last night that I driving a car to take driving license test. Thank you for sharing your dream! I couldn't keep up because I was carrying heavy bags. I would regard the dream as functioning to allow me to grapple with very large concepts while I also accept what is not in my control and begin to identify how I can have a positive influence over my health. how if i was dreaming my friends got into a car accident? Learn more. What strikes me about the dream is that you are passive. It sounds like you may need to go with the flow in order to ultimately achieve your goals. THE days of ever increasing vehicle emissions crackdowns are upon us, and car makers are pulling every trick out of the book that they can to make their products cleaner, and greener.. One of the technologies that is becoming more widespread are stop-start systems, also known as idle-stop systems.They cut the engine when the car is not moving, saving fuel that would otherwise be wasted … The tow truck sounds like it relates to your need to reach out for help and get assistance from someone to get you back on track. We started to notice there were cars crashed in a huge line of cars. This symbol suggests a clinging to nostalgia and a possible reluctance to change and evolve. Sometimes who we observe in dreams actually relate to us. I was in the passenger seat. ), then this is a positive symbol. I would not be concerned that I am killed in my dream because I normally associate death in dreams with an end of something with a more abstract meaning. (hehe). I see that you also submitted a question as to why your dream was ignored. I was saying, "This accident must have just happened because I don't see any police here. I woke up and saw a car driving towards my house and killed me. To tell your car then may relate to valuing money and material items over a long-term goal. Any help would be much appreciated. This dream sounds like it is reflecting your feeling of not having any control over the direction your life is taking. I had a dream last night that I was in my ex-husband's truck and it was going backwards very fast in San Francisco down hills, I live in California but not S. F. and the brakes wouldn't work and all of a sudden my dog I rehomed a few months ago was in the back seat and I pet him and said hi to him, called my ex whom I despise and told him I was going to crash and couldn't stop the truck. Award winning combined kerb and drainage system, Hydraulic Design Software (Previous version), Click here to see the DMRB on the Highways England Website, Sustainable services - Gloucester Gateway. I often consider friends in dream an extension of self. I'm screaming "hey wait for me, don't leave me behind!". A dream that you have been rear-ended could mean that something from your past is still impacting you now in some way. Your dream sounds rather interesting and seems like it is reflecting your life's path. as the moment got close to make a decision before the car hit the water - I woke up. Either way we seemed to be traveling happily together no matter the driver. Is your direction killing you? It was not fast but the driving was not straight. Perhaps you fell behind and are in need of catching up in order to achieve your goals. Are you bumping heads with someone or having inner conflict? If you see a red warning sign it means we cannot identify you on our system. Have you struggled to find what you need or want? sheri1960- it sounds like you may be where you need to be- even if this place is unknown and scary. Seeing a carriage in a dream demands further exploration in what works for you now in order to achieve your dreams. It could be a relationship that has been sacrificed but he could also resemble an aspect of self. Since he is in the drivers seat, he is in control so he may need to make changes-- think differently or approach things differently in order to resolve his dream. If you have forgotten your password, then you can reset it using the Forgotten Password link. I'm currently between freelance roles and worried about so many things and yet this dream made me feel better. This feeling may be associated with your current burdens or insecurities that cause you to want to over-control things. So I stop when I saw that accident but if is too quick that the truck was removed so the police told me to go again in a happy mood. Perhaps you have been "spinning your wheels" and need a fresh start with a new approach. If you ever want an immediate interpretation, I highly recommend You have symbol that point to emotional turmoil- tornado. Do you feel circumstances in life have forced you on a different course? In dreams, cars often represent you and reveal how you are getting through life. Fire can also be cleansing and renewing. First its your bad marriage and now its your truck?" I could see how the dream sounds strange but if it were mine, it would relate to me starting to look inward or would highlight the need to. Last night, I had a dream being in a passenger side and my husband was driving in a bright indoor parking lot. A mother could represent your mother or she could represent certain values or traits you associate with her as well as the caretaker within you. Thermally stable, chemically resistant, environmentally friendly product manufactured from Vienite, ACO high strength sustainable material, Designed for use on rural roads and highways, Designed for use on urban roads, highways and car parks, Designed for use at bus stops to ease pedestrian safety, Transitions to standard HB range available. You fall flat on your face. Please check you have used the email address you originally registered. This dream could reflect feelings that his life is somehow stuck. While Car Buyers Guide routinely monitors the classified ads on our site, sometimes bogus ads can slip through. I could not see damage to either car other than I knew they were being electrocuted. My dream consisted of coming out of my house to drive my truck but couldn't because my drivers side door and steering wheel were missing.. Then a voice who talked like my father said," what? I kept nagging my husband about it but he said its okay. It is important to rethink or re-plan your course of action and set yourself on a better path to avoid burn-out. Anyway, it makes me not want to fall asleep because I wake up in such a panic. Our conscious mind may not let us see what's a head because it is working on dealing with day to day life, though it picks up all the signs and signals but when I sleep my subconscious formulates all the information into a dream. Perhaps you need to propel yourself forward and utilize more constructive and positive approaches. It seemed the cars were not still burning yet there were still cars that looked like they were trying to get through traffic despite the cars crashed. I had a dream where I was in a car on the highway and there was nothing else and all of a sudden I could see a man up ahead he was I the middle partition on the grass he seemed to be dazed and he fell over the barrier into the road and the car was heading straight for him the car was going very fast but it all happened so slowly and he hit I hit him and killed him then there were loads of cars on the road with dead bodies falling out (I DON'T dream in colour and this dream was so vivid such colour such detail I could tell what the man was wearing his hair style just wonted some input on what it could mean. I could not control my wheel but was driving so-so..until my steering wheel pulled out (very weird! I am constantly dreaming of my car being stolen. ACO KerbDrain has a range of units to match HB1, HB2 and 45° splayed profiles, and a selection of depths and lengths to meet the hydraulic and performance requirements of many highway or drainage schemes. From what I read, it seems like you have a good handle on dream interpretation. Your recurring dreams of cars sound very stressful for you. I would wonder who was driving the car. Then having 2 other cards go over you could relate to either missed opportunities or your sense that others are progressing where you should be. After this dream, I would want to pay attention to any subsequent dreams over the next few weeks to monitor my adjustment. Industrial cars and trucks in dreams symbolize physical labor and the amount of working you are doing or need to do on your current path. Hybrid powertrains are nothing new for McLaren: the off-the-rocker McLaren P1 was a hybrid and even had a pure-electric range, albeit negligible — 6.8 miles on the now-outdated NEDC cycle — while the super-streamlined Speedtail also has hybrid power, built around McLaren’s 4.0-litre V8 (although that car doesn’t have a battery-only range). A dream like this would proceed a time of greater personal insights and personal development. Race cars can indicate a competitive, headstrong, and driven nature. i dreamt that i was selling a car to an old woman and she paid me from a box full of loose paper money. Melody Collins from United States on May 09, 2013: Thanks for the hub. Either my good friend (who is younger than me by a few years) or my ex-boyfriend (since a week ago) who I live with was driving. Seeing or interacting with a toy car in a dream could symbolize a desire to gain more control over your life. How do your answers to these questions translate to other areas in your life right now? You were in the passenger seat which is a very passive position in to be in. and then my dream ended there... What does other additional details mean? Discover its ingenious technologies for outstanding speed and acceleration performances. I think it was more about getting to where we were going without having to wait. The person she cheated with was also sitting in the backseat. I would associate your dream of going backwards and downhill as a metaphor for your current position in life. Read your article and things just seemed to fall into place (as if I was being told things were going to work out and I was going to be okay) although not altogether sure why! I would also want to explore the possibility that my dream is reflecting a fear of change and difficulty letting go of old aspects of who I am in order to welcome in something new. energy? If you need a break, a detour from your current path (perhaps a break from work? As with all stages in life, this is something to work out, overcome and resolve. Thank you for writing. The second dream I was driving through a town and the road just ended in a river. This is a mother's worst nightmare. 35.99 Lakh *.It is available in 1 variants, a 1984 cc, BS6 and a single Automatic transmission. The following article explores the meaning of cars and other motor vehicles within specific contexts. It may be time to take on a new approach. We drove further and there seemed to be cars waiting in traffic as well as several cars crashed. Depending upon the context of the dream, a car can symbolize our physical body, mind, ego (Freud's definition), consciousness, personality, and/or our life in general or the direction our life is taking. It is based on the same small car platform used for the Ford Fiesta and resembles the mark 5 Fiesta but with revised front and rear treatments. I criticized the right wing that there is some problem in the turbine. Do you feel stuck? A police car may also represent rules and restrictions you are imposing on yourself and your life. On one hand, the dream could represent a belief in a bigger picture, a grand design, fate, and a higher purpose for yourself and your life. To download the KerbDrain brochure, please use the link below. We are driving in a small strip mall, he is the driver, I'm in the passenger seat and we keep passing good parking spots. If you have not already registered please click here. it wasn't my car. This lead to a fear of driving. A box full of loose money gives a rather negative feel. We are either remaining unaware of the issue or are not making changes to address the issue in our waking lives. Thank you for sharing your dream. Cars are one of the most common dream symbols in developed countries. Since they run on a schedule and have a specific set path, missing your ride can indicate you feel you have missed an opportunity or fear you will. Returning to the car to see it is missing wheels the engine and interior, would reflect a fear I am losing parts of self. My first guess though, is that this is reflecting an issue your friend is grappling with within her unconscious. I woke up in a panic. “For example, a car with robotic legs could save lives as the first responder in natural disasters; or people without access to a kerb ramp could hail a car to walk up to their front door, level itself and allow wheelchairs to roll in,” the company said. im confused at d same time dream was i hit a black sport car but d car that i hit continued driving instead. I am not sure if this is good or bad. Am I stealing an opportunity? Since she grabs the wheel, I wonder if your attraction and sexuality is, at times, driving you and heavily influencing where you are going and why. Perhaps obstacles and influences on the way have changed your life's path so much that your former goals and pursuits are now haunting you as you progress on a different path. KerbDrain is an award winning combined kerb and drainage system specifically designed and developed to form an integral part of any modern, sustainable surface water management solution. emotionally? If not, the cop car may be symbolizing trouble in general or your inner authority attempting to stop you. Although you fear you will die, you will not die in the dream, something may die/change, yet this will make room for a new beginning. I would see the Traffic Policeman as an authority figure within you. In some ways, it allows you to start over fresh. Bumper cars can have both positive and negative meanings in dreams. the rest of the body looked ok and lifeless hunched forward over the wheel. Does my dream about my old car mean that I am going to die soon? I think your dream about parking a car may relate to a need to stop overcontrolling your life and letting go in some way. Are you selling yourself out in some way? 1. This dream is for your friend and may have significant meaning personal only to them. Bumper cars can have two very different meanings so it is important to consider the context of the dream and the dreamer's feelings associated with bumper cars. Instead, I would regard this dream as reflecting your fears and progress towards accepting and understanding this new information about your health. The dream would serve the purpose of alerting me to something I need to change or modify in my life. A cable car in a dream could represent a higher purpose—or passivity. The money doesn't sound quite right. She would have kept driving and waiting in the traffic. No, everything will be fine. We were headed somewhere, not sure where. Hi, I love this article. Lotus Cars CEO Phil Popham said: "Evija is the perfect name for our new car because it is the first all-new car to come from Lotus as part of the wider Geely family. Taking the plunge is taking a chance, exploring your subconscious further and getting truly in touch with your emotions. The dead bodies would be many aspects of self or life that you are somehow losing. I also just looked and the driver slowed down. Being hurt, needing a nurse and eventually healing could relate to the idea that something (you or the relationship) needs time to heal in order to move forward again. Race cars in dreams typically symbolize a fast-paced and "racy" approach to life. What does this dream mean? PAVEMENT parking restrictions could take up to five years to be introduced to some parts of the UK allowing drivers to stop on kerbs for up to half … The dream could relate to something specific recently (within the last few weeks) that changed your life, resulting in a shift with your mother/child relationship. This could either be an internal conflict or reflect conflict within the relationship. )...until i reach the hand break and my sister face showed up beside me (passenger seat) and still d car was moving backwards a bit faster going to a familiar place...there was still images but i cannot remember anymore...hope u can help interpret my dream... My first impression on your dream is that the windmill symbolized the winds of change. I used to dream that I was going to die in a car accident. The car is very important, as you read from the hub, the car can typically relate to your direction in life and how much control you have over it. If you dream about a carriage rather than a car, consider whether you might be clinging to nostalgia. Ken Taub from Long Island, NY on December 01, 2012: I could use some help interpreting my dream :). Perhaps you need a temporary break from being so driven and allow yourself to surrender to something. I'm recently diagnosed with a rare cancer that is usually terminal. Within the last week I've had a dream twice where I was driving and drove straight into a body of water. I'm so frustrated that I startled myself awake. I think your dreams may be demonstrating a feeling that you are behind schedule in regards to an important lesson you need to learn and entering a new phase in your life. Perhaps you are either seeing them headed in the wrong direction or something that you have in common (a trait, etc. Safety first: On occasion there are people who try to scam customers with fake car ads. I wasn't really panic stricken. i was dreamy many times abt different friends get into a car crash :(. Our dependency on cars shapes our personal symbolism of them.