Garlic is cultivated by vegetable farmers and vegetable farmers are known to grow a wide variety of vegetables like ginger, chili – pepper, onion, peppers, potatoes, lettuce, tomatoes, sweet corn, mushrooms and all other vegetables and melons in open fields and in greenhouses. Garlic growing business is prominent these days. Here is a guide for starting a profitable garlic farming business. Is garlic a profitable crop? It will also be helpful to plant the base of the clove down so the garlic neck will grow straight. The soil should be loose, dry high in organic matter. Garlic is planted in the fall for harvest 7 to 9 months later (midsummer). The tenant pays all cash costs to produce the crop. Most growers like to use raised beds, as the soil drains better, and garlic hates wet feet! You can plant garlic in single or double rows or in wide beds of four to six plants across with four to eight inches between plants. Garlic Cultivation requires mid climate, well-drained soil, sunlight. Elephant garlic resembles a giant head of garlic and, indeed, it does belong to the same genus, Allium. Soil Composition. However, it isn't a "true" garlic but rather is more closely related to the leek. You want your garlic plant to be tall with lots of big healthy leaves before it starts developing a bulb. Gardeners plant garlic cloves in October or early November in … Softneck garlic is the best choice for regions with mild winters, and it's the type to grow if you want to make garlic braids. 2. Your harvest should be 400-500 pounds of gourmet garlic, worth around $6400 to $8000 at current retail prices. Garlic produces large amounts if gardeners plant a recommended variety, plant in the right location and in the correct way, and provide proper maintenance when needed. While we can plant until January due to our mild climate, this member of the allium family should be planted 4 to 6 weeks before the ground freezes to give the bulbs time to establish roots. Spread seed out 4 to 6 inches within the row and 6 to 8 inches between the drills. Planting Garlic. This way it will have plenty of energy to devote to clove growing. There is an increased garlic demand driving more people into garlic cultivation. Plant it in full sun if you have it, but it will also grow in part shade. RENT AGREEMENT: The 15 acres used for garlic production is rented on a cash basis with the landowner receiving $200 per acre. Three of the most profitable types of garlic to grow include Elephant garlic, purple stripe and Rocambole. It will require about 2-3 pounds of cloves to plant 100 feet of row per drill. It can grow in different types of soil from loamy, silt, sandy or clay loam. Six Steps for Planting Garlic Other crops grown on the same acreage in rotation with garlic might include small grains, alfalfa hay, wild rice, and strawberries. Likewise, once the plant starts developing a huge scrumptious garlic you want it to grow that garlic for as long as possible before it starts to mature. Guide to Garlic Farming Have you ever thought of starting your own agricultural venture? Industry Overview. What are the chances of making good money from garlic farming? Elephant garlic is not actually a garlic … 3 most profitable garlic varieties to grow. how to plant garlic commercially; How to Grow Garlic. In addition to your seed garlic, you’ll need healthy soil, like a sandy loam, to grow the best bulbs. The three main types of garlic that we grow here are Elephant, Creole and Italian. Tighter spacing in the beds will produce a greater number of smaller bulbs for a higher total yield in terms of pounds of garlic per square foot of garden. A Sample Garlic Farming Business Plan Template 1. dedicated to growing garlic. In Kentucky, garlic grows as a biennial crop. In fact, many commercial growers of gourmet garlic have plots of as little as 1/8th acre!