A "bail bond" refers to the promise made by the defendant or a "surety" (someone who promises to pay for the defendant) to the court to give up the bail money if the defendant fails to return for the trial. It’s important to understand that the cosigner to a bail bond is financially responsible for the bond. To begin, you need to find out if this option is even available in your state. If they miss a court date, the court keeps the bond and warrant will go out for their arrest. Bail Bond Process. I’m sure you have a lot of questions on how bail bonds work and what you need to have in order to qualify for bonding someone out of jail. Money can be paid by family members or friends or services like this Huntington Beach Bail Bonds can be used to post bail. When it comes to backing out of plans, the majority of us tend to take more of a … A surety can be a professional bail bond agent, or a friend or relative. These rules are usually posted on the court’s website. If you've ever made plans with someone only to realize you really don't feel like following through on them you know that it's incredibly difficult to flake out on those plans without being a jerk. This means if that the person who is bonded out of jail later skips a court date, the cosigner is on the hook for the full amount of the bail bond. I was really looking forward to meeting and definitely want to get a new date on the calendar as … The advice given here is general in nature and does not create an attorney client relationship. The defendant might also not be allowed to bail out a second time. This is because you will then be less likely to miss a court date since your relative’s or friend’s house or property is on the line in for your bail bond. Let me know if either [date] or [date] works. Again, I apologize for the late notice. In truth, there are many factors to consider when getting someone out of jail and that’s what we’d like to discuss with you today. Many people don’t even know the first step to getting someone out. Bail – Bail is money paid to the court system to secure your release from jail and it guarantees you’ll attend all future case proceedings. This bond won’t cost you a thing as long as your friend makes all of their court dates. Method 3: A Bail Bondsman. Call you before each court date in order to remind your about your upcoming trial. The first thing you can do is to get a private bond to bail your friend out of jail. Mechanics of Getting Bail Money Back. Prefer a relative or friend put up the necessary collateral for your bond. If neither of those are good for you, please suggest a time, and I’ll do my best to make it happen. Family Bail Bonds, for example, allows you to submit a form online to bail someone out, then you fill out some documents and a payment authorization form, and the bondsman will process the rest and release the jailed person. If bail is set at $1,000, you’ll have to pay $1,000 to be released from jail. The shortest distance between two points is a straight line, but life rarely works out that way. Just make sure that the person you’re bailing out doesn’t break any conditions of the bail, or miss their court date, as doing so can cause major issues down the line. It can be very stressful when a friend or family member lands in prison. If the bail was in your brothers name only, then it is an asset of the estate. I am not your attorney. If your mother has a receipt for the bail and it was placed in her name, then she is entitled to the bail back. This article gives some guidance and examples of when not to bail someone out of jail. The legal system can be very confusing and with the jail saying one thing, a lawyer saying another, and your friend or loved one in jail saying another, it can be extremely frustrating to make sense out of it all. How the court returns the bond money depends on the rules of the court. If you don’t have cash or property you can use for bail, a bail bondsman is going to be your next-best option.