Gross anatomical dissections of giraffe and okapi were conducted sequentially from the superficial to the deep layer. During evolution, like most mammals, the giraffes internal system synchronized to suit its lifestyle […] Skeletal and muscular system . A giraffe's heart has evolved to have thick muscle walls and a small radius, giving it great power. The giraffe (Giraffa) is an African artiodactyl mammal, the tallest living terrestrial animal and the largest ruminant.It is traditionally considered to be one species, Giraffa camelopardalis, with nine subspecies.However, the existence of up to eight extant giraffe species has been described, based upon research into the mitochondrial and nuclear DNA, as well as morphological … The stomach is typically divided into a glandular proventriculus and a muscular gizzard, the latter lying near the centre of gravity of the bird and compensating for the lack of teeth and … Sounds like a recipe for stumbles. However, perhaps the most unique feature of giraffe skulls is the several air sinuses, particularly the relatively large frontal sinus. We dissected giraffe and okapi carcasses and then described the muscular system generating the force resulting in the ventral flexion of the vertebrae for inferring the active ability of the vertebral flexion of giraffe. The walls of the blood vessels also thicken with age as the giraffe's neck grows longer, to avoid rupturing under increasing pressure. As you can see from the diagram below, the Giraffe is a very tall animal measuring a maximum of 19 feet (6 metres). Those two effects combined mean a giraffe can take up to 100 ms to sense and respond to something in the outside world---about half the time that a galloping giraffe’s foot is on the ground! For that reason, the anatomy of a giraffe is quite amazing. However, unlike giraffes, okapis have three tarsal bones and not four. Of course, their vertebrae aren't connected to each other the way ours are, which is why they are more The okapi skeletal system is remarkably similar to the giraffes'. Walking is done by moving the legs on one side of the body at the same time, then doing the same on the other side. The neck is a remarkable feature on a giraffe. The avian digestive system shows adaptations for a high metabolic rate and flight.Enlargements of the esophagus, collectively called the crop, permit the temporary storage of food prior to digestion. The muscular and skeletal systems of the long neck were morphologically examined in order to clarify their modification and their functional significance in the giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis).The longissimus, the thoracic and cervical, spinalis and semispinalis, the cranial and caudal head oblique, and the multifidus muscles, and the nuchal ligament were observed … A giraffe nerve, however, takes 13.4 ms to start its response, and that nerve impulse travels just 165 feet per second. The animal has a specialized cardiovascular system that keeps blood moving adequately to the brain and heart when it moves its neck and head around, ensuring that bending down to take a sip of water won't cause a possibly lethal head … The giraffe is unique among mammals in that the horns are present in the foetus. Expanding vessels The circles indicate the points of the concentration of the force rotating the vertebra generated by this muscle. Skeletal/muscular system; Circulatory system ; Habitat ; Interesting facts ; References; Locomotion Giraffes only have two ways of moving, walking and galloping. Giraffe Human Giraffe Vertebrae Giraffe's vertebrae vs. kid's head Of course, each of a giraffe's vertebrae can be as long 10 inches (about the size of my head and neck). Like a giraffe, they have bumps on the top of the skull that are a set of ossicones, a pair of horn-like structures only male okapis and giraffes have. As another result of the long neck, a giraffe's blood has a long journey to travel. A giraffe's muscular system provides the pulling power to enable the locomotion to take place. It is still a mind-boggling characteristic of this animal. The illustration of a muscle represents the attachment area of the thoracic part of musculus longus colli and demonstrates the muscular system generating the force to rotate the vertebrae at the cervicothoracic area.