I don't go to other people who have different beliefs and tell them they are wrong due to their belief in a diety. It started out a crusade against the hedge fund shorting $GME and quickly turned into rallying dumb money to pump and dump penny stocks. But the opinions of incensed humans aren't worth the rollback it takes to "correct" the problem. I suspect they may also listen to people they disagree with. Reminds me of the scene in the The Big Short where the hot chick in the pool who currently works for the SEC (at the time) is in town in Vegas for a conference hoping to run into some Wall Street banker dudes so she can schmooze and float her resume to them. Yes, well that's exactly what happens in socialist countries like Venezuela. You make the point that some people on wallstreetbets made comments that crossed the line on manipulation. I read that GameStop was at one point worth $24B. It cares whether people trust the Play Store ratings (and more broadly, trust the Play Store itself). This argument is a slippery slope implying any comment can be objected. There's 1000+ witness affidavits signed and presented under the penalty of perjury in various legislatures around the country. That's poor people levels of money. Its a backdoor way around the constitutional restrictions. If anything it’s amazing that it took this long for anyone to notice. ", Yes, the extrapolation is often applied to people who really want to achieve one thing going in a particular direction, so it makes sense there. Hundreds of teenage TikTok users and K … They simply aren’t allowed to teach Christianity because Jews and Muslims would have the same “I have to pay twice” complaint you mentioned. It is the intent. > I get downvoted by the neoliberal fascists. This leads to voter or election fraud.” Based on the study, the group concluded that the machines should not be used in Michigan nor should the election results in Antrim County be certified. Had no time to use CD and pop insta. Robinhood was always owned by the same Wall Street fat cats its users hate. What if the price of a stock went from $300 to $5000 for legitimate reasons, perhaps due to some technological breakthrough. FB does it. We're about to see whether the people actually have rights or if this is actually a class warfare situation. You can see people collaborating all over WSB to create short squeezes, most frequently using the Robinhood app. The report was not ordered by a judge, it was permitted. Most people won't touch something like that without explicit approval from a government. I used to like playing as resto but currently mythic and m+ feels so exhausting sometimes. Because I heard that one a lot when Bush was president and they haven't really ever stopped using it. An algorithm, a computer, can ban your entire virtual presence at a whim, with no recourse. Carrotfoot, if you're in here, I fucking did it man. You mean to comments about Robinhood on those sites? It is also much higher performance, which is very important for DeFi. That’s a huge misconception. It's just fraud. However the system breaks down if everyone is trying to buy the same heavily manipulated stock. That it should be up to congress and law enforcement - people that are accountable to the public, to make these rules. The thing is, RobinHood refused “buy” order that were completely inline with the margin requirements, and. Roads are not a platform. I tanked the General while everyone else focused on his right lackey then his second. Thousands (millions?) The bull case was made for GME as far back as late 2019, and it gained momentum this year. Margin accounts have capital requirements. They are literally using the margin call mechanic to force closures in positions that have no risk. This bubble was always going to pop, the question was not if but when. The biography of General Rose by Don Marsh and Steve Ossad, first published in 2003, greatly amplifies what I've written below. Yea, because that's been working great thus far. Not force Robinhood to unethically force sell it's massive user base to liquidate b/c their system bit their biggest customer. Isn't that the dictionary definition of anarchy. I'm technically competent but these systems are so complex i don't think i could defend against malware in a complete open system. Wrong. Unfortunately, many people (sadly including the far left, who 10 years ago I would have called myself part of) & the media are actively celebrating these blocks and shutdowns because it serves their ideology. You have to go through a process to switch from a margin account to a cash account and I suspect 95% of Robinhood's customers have no idea what the difference is or why they'd ever want to do that. So please stop spouting this bullshit about testosterone being somehow tied to fetishes. It is just that they have been become rather abstract and difficult to yell at. I had a 5 star rating on the app and loved it. "You want to do X which is not terrible evil in itself, but if we let you, you'll want to do more things like X so we don't want that precedent". (I believe there is no need to say X is wrong when instead they resort to shut them up #cancelculture). 1 Episode 2014. Director 19 Credits. Bath All the tooling, beginner-friendly tutorials/books/blogs, institutions and funds flowing into the projects, the sheer number of people working on projects is super impressive. A better way would be to update the definition of a public square to take into account the exponential scaling offered by digital services. There was a relevant document posted earlier today at this link: DeFi is a core component of my ETH bull hypothesis. A stock trading app that encourages you to trade options, and then randomly(?) Robinhood stopped people from purchasing a stock without margin, so I don't buy your second reason. see https://www.antitrustinstitute.org/work-product/antitrust-en... Rather than proposing a new technological solution to the problem ("platforms to protocols") which may work but is unproven, we could simply restart the use of existing tools that have been proven to work. I would imagine the SEC is involved behind the scenes in coordinating these shutdowns. Voter fraud happened. They make it hard for people to do their own thing because they spam filter out legitimate email coming from domains that they don't like. Another strong reason is that if the short squeeze caused the GME stock to go to 5000 in a sudden leap, tons of traders (both retail and professional) could instantly go broke, and then the brokerage (Robinhood) would be left holding the bag. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice smothers a potentially powerful story -- and some of America's most iconic superheroes -- in a … You said nobody was making a case for GameStop being a good stock, and the other comment pointed out that the single most popular name associated with this trade has been doing exactly that. (Sorry, non-JS users.)). Antifa is an anarchist direct action movement that tries to deny Fascist groups the ability to organize by basically beating the crap out of them when they try to get together. It’s a gripping story. Any further normalization of government control of communication or the internet must be resisted if we are to have any chance to keep the truly wonderful thing that the internet is today, despite all its imperfections. These companies hardly have a monopoly on internet communication, case in point: Parler is still around! that show the hypocrisy of the little guy getting screwed. It will not end well one way or another if it is not fixed soon, and it does not look like those with the lust of power in their eyes have any intention of giving up anything. If people are criming online (threats of violence, planning to overthrow the government), they should get a visit from The Law. The early ones were more justified because we knew less, but as the pandemic drug on, the burden of proof justifying closures needed to increase, and legislators needed to step up and legitimize the policies. It's effective, because markets (including the marketplace of ideas) are irrational and bad faith tactics are often more effective at influencing people (at least in the short term) than reason and verifiable fact. It requires some way to fund it, but that needn't necessarily be ETH. It isn't even all one thing inside the Robin Hood/Gamestop thing. Robinhood could lose money in any number of ways if a stock gaps and some of it's customers go bankrupt. 3664. You also quoted the SEC saying that manipulating a stock price to cause a short squeeze is illegal but also that short squeezes occur naturally. I absolutely don’t like my data being held hostage. Yes, they are considered major services by a lot of people. The location of "belief" makes the sentence an accurate description of atheism or not. And of course it gets worse when people jump from A to Z. Bah! But I don't think that you are accounting for the ordinary people who would read about an amazing way to get rich quick in the news and decide to buy in. Lots of people love to dump on the constitution as old and not relevant. In general social psychology have to be factored in as well. Or if it's really bad, they make up entirely fanciful slopes that you could fall down. Another example would be Class calls on Nefarion. The solution historically was to insist on a common carrier designation for certain utilities. And when has ever had a legal right to political speech at their workplace? Should it be law to allow or disallow ? Walmart. > how often the term 'oversight' is used vs 'regulation' when these guys are talking. I've never understood how a slippery slope argument is a fallacy, let alone a logical fallacy (like false syllogism or no true scotsman). Rigging and corruption is the rule not the exception, in human history. Atheism is not a religion, it's a lack of belief in a supernatural deity. It's a bubble. The difference being the momentum - a LOT more people have heard of Ethereum now than back then. That's like saying virginity is a fetish. If GME was objectively such a good bet, you really think that those institutional investors out there were simply ignoring it? Robinhood & Citadel should both be sued for manipulation of securities. I think calling for violence then carrying out actual violence is a bit different than this. Firm’s top privacy official cautions not to restrict tracking, Australian Open Finals, PBA Players Championship Highlight weekend events, Follows 16-month investigation and massive report, Disney veteran to oversee nonfiction portfolio, Founder/CEO Anthony Wood says its biggest growth impediment is TV buyers’ unwillingness to shift money from declining linear networks, not the apps running on the Roku platform, Say those are front lines in fight for justice and inclusion, Service, billed as expansion to CBS All Access, to launch March 4, Viewers won’t see the same commercial over and over, Said those voices have been "woefully underrepresented" in internet policy, Had been on House communications subcommittee, Warner Bros. film could give HBO Max a lift, Billy Eichner, Angelica Ross among honorees, Tech Leadership series event will feature ATSC 3.0 experts behind the standard and those deploying it in the field, Trine II Acquisition looking for target in media, telecom, tech space, Streaming company caps record pandemic year, with nearly every key metric trending up, Landmark agreement comes as Australian government looks to clamp down on technology companies not paying the freight for news, He’ll serve as global chief marketing officer of direct-to-consumer, pushing the expansion of Discovery Plus, Company is currently looking to fill roles relating to its’ ‘expanding slate of original content’, Bill’s passage would have enabled local companies to bypass 30% ‘app tax’ charged by tech giants, Parent company Xperi expects to make $350 million in IP licensing coin in 2021, Despite the hype in pubs like this one, a breakdown of OTT platform usage during the Super Bowl shows scant uptake of Google-enabled living room gadgets, Study also finds that 14.1% of U.S. broadband subscribers are using 1 terabyte or more of data each month. >>>>I don't go to a building and dance and sing to my belief of no diety. There's no possible way that these new powers will be turned against the powerless, right?". Shorting a stock, then going on CNBC and explaining why you shorted it, possibly catalyzing a profitable selloff: totally legit. Very hostile toward other religions. https://www.antitrustinstitute.org/work-product/antitrust-en... https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25994701. Everyone uses slippery slope reasoning in their personal lives, because it's a completely valid form of reasoning in the real world. He would lose the value of his account, $200,000… but the brokerage would have to make up the rest of the settlement and take a loss of $9,800,000. No part of it requires anyone to prevent me from sending illegal emails, just an apparatus to punish me if I do. to Fourth Week of Wins. no brokerage wants to take the risk of being bankrupted, so they shut it down. Your 'single person' straw man aside, I don't think the conduits of conversation are the right place to attack this problem. They don't generally work in real time though. The first amendment does not give you the right to enter someone else’s house to spread your political opinions, just as the second doesn’t give you the right to walk in to their home with your loaded guns. Furthermore, you wouldn’t see a lot of pvp - barring ganking - as the risk versus reward isn’t there. And despite repeated visits and millions spent in Minnesota, Trump’s campaign tanked in the state, as suburban voters around the Twin Cities soundly rejected him. What exactly is the issue? So an opposition that relies on "what if" scenarios to oppose progressive change is often one which is either unaware-of or has explicitly looked at other nations that are 10-50 years ahead on whatever the policy is, and discovered that enacting step X did not, in fact, lead to a downward spiral into nightmare scenario Y. A broker can change margin maintenance requirements at any time, including for shares bought with margin. I don't go on to claim wars over the land holy to my belief of no diety. Government schools aren’t atheist - they are secular. It is possible to make money buying lottery tickets too. We needed to put more people at risk because we couldn’t prove that they would get sick? When it comes to digital information the cost goes way down and I agree that in this case the actions of social media platforms are pretty despicable but in all things we need to have balance. For clarity here, the barber wearing the mask protects others. Also, in polite conversation, preemptively calling your fellow conversation partners fascists is a good way to get off on the wrong foot. Email is an open protocol. 2011; 15 seasons Animal Planet Reality, Business TVPG Watchlist. Nothing different than Jim Cramer talking up a stock on CNBC every fucking night. Excellent point. I find the monopoly issue troubling, but I don’t understand how your proposal fixes it. So, what's wrong with Robinhood again? If they keep selling people's stocks without their consent, then yeah, I'm pretty sure it'll stay until RH can buy better reviews. I’m less into the free speech component. What? What is your hope for reforming the ability of a single person to keep repeating a lie and nearly causing an insurrection? Also if the presidential votes are invalid than I guess we need to assume all the other items on the ballet (house, senate, bills, etc) were also invalid correct? But it’s meant to restrict government and protect people’s freedom. Given the close ties between the leaders & .001%, the result is the same. Sorry that you can’t force other people to host your thoughts tho, sounds so frustrating. I know it's a highly speculative move. On the other hand, we've got public health - a communal good, that everyone is responsible for, but nobody gets held responsible for. info); 1 December 1896 – 18 June 1974) was a Soviet general and Marshal of the Soviet Union.He also served as Chief of the General Staff, Minister of Defence, and was a member of the Presidium of the Communist Party (later Politburo).