They have since gone under, but I noticed he has transitioned into a job which may one day require a major security clearance. Those actions can go to unfathomable extremes. Focus on what is in your control and take the next right step. Sometimes it may be that standing up for yourself is the right step, but doing so in a positive way rather than for revenge. Revenge is not just depends for what reason. We need to understand how events create the need for revenge. Movies often portray the act of revenge as a way of gaining closure … He actually overruled my design choices in favor of a Vendor' he had a friendly relationship with. It is none of your business. Learn about five good reasons why in this episode of the Growth Philosophy podcast. And by going around preachin' your hypocritical bullcrap against revenge, that goes to show how blind in the head you are. This makes revenge work like justice and helps regulate behavior. And if you wrong us shall we not revenge?" The men were honest to you as they told that they were married (and were). The idea that revenge does NOT make you feel good is a false idea, a lie told by priests, preachers, other white lighting fools, and psychologists whose whole knowledge of the real world is confined to their offices and their books. Here's the revenge part. If you think about it, revenge is just another term for justice and in a legal context that can be things like punishment for breaking the law. Then begin drawing in from the bottom, narrowly spaced, horizontal lines to represent many layers of maintained unresolved mental work. Then I took revenge! If someone had gotten revenge for my son, I would have been able to let my wife rest in peace. Price, M. (June, 2009) Revenge and the People Who Seek It. Monitor, (40) 6. You could dare to call me naïve, but I'm learning about this world trying to do what I can to know what's what just like you, but I have to keep in open mind full of potential possibilities. If you get revenge you may feel better for a little while knowing that the person got what he/she deserved, but it will screw you over. Your revenge should be crafted to warn others about the wrong doers actions. By the way, as an attorney, I must advise you, for free nonetheless, that you have to hire an attorney and have him hire a PI. Even if we cannot change some present event, we can begin to make changes in our values of situations in some way to create an opposition to the dilemma we are presently experiencing without seeking revenge as psychological catharsis. Maybe there has been a misunderstanding, a miscommunication, or maybe there is a problem that could be solved. Love and Kisses, Sofia! People who cite that revenge is wrong in such an example and similar ones are either very naive, or are looking at the world through frosted glass with a stark inability to attach the correct emotion to such events, maybe due to, for example, never having loved anyone before. The best part is I did it via email and by posting a couple of messages on the internet so these lizards didn't get a cent more. This good God invites us to seek Him and to “taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him” (Psalm 34:8). An overbroad criminal law is a threat to the public, … But I will certainly let the FBI know that it could be a possiblity. If not, get clarity about what truly happened before taking any action or making any decisions. ", Greetings, Of course I can not recommend herbs to you through this blog as everyone is different and it would be unethical to prescribe without knowing anything about you. The office number is (+2347059073543 or email me at bantespelltemple gmail com or whatsapp same tel +2347059073543. You may get yourself absorbed into anger after the fight or some kind of heart break and do something illegitimate to satisfy yourself but you will definitely get to feel bad later on, may be because that person is to close to you or you involve yourself into some unlawful activity which will destroy your reputation. Nobody ever has figured it out. Some people have a tendency to hurt us, no matter how much we try to be at peace with them. I must admit, many men hit on me, so I tell them I am married and ask them if they are? Isn't it better to use that dirt and put it in your plants than to throw more dirt over to the neighbor? They make NO moves. This can remain in place for days, months, even longer. Titli Basu I would never hurt a child, I'm not a monster. They are storage devices used to save and recover digital information that will be essential for future reference. Say a neighbor throws dirt in your yard and you immediately get mad and want to get revenge. From lovers running over a beloved iPhone or destroying what their ex most values, to businessmen damaging the careers of those who have rejected them,  to students opening fire in school hallways, revenge can be an act of anger, hurt and power. Get the help you need from a therapist near you–a FREE service from Psychology Today. But, is taking revenge really needed? You make things happen the way you want them to and just don’t be in thirst of something in return because if you fail, you are going to feel downhearted. That's just a giant load of horseshit. You might not swallow it but karma is a friend and foe both. Revenge only serves a fleeting feeling and that's it, but something's telling me that it's never that easy to just take revenge and walk away thinking that nothing can happen to you. Therefore it’s better to move on and leave the past in past. But I'm having trouble finding 3 GOOD reasons why revenge is good. You go for revenge from the person who has hurt you and they reciprocate your revenge in exchange of your revenge and this cycle goes on.