To install RVM, you must first install Xcode. Switch among multiple versions of Ruby. Macs already come with a version of Ruby installed, but it’s usually a little out of date. RVM is a tool for installing and managing multiple Ruby versions. 1. Once this is all working, you can actually install v1.0 next to it and with the right path settings, use them both as needed. brew install sqlite3. The secret to getting RVM to use the right version is pkg_config. Run the following to install them: xcode-select --install Do this by running $ rvm install ruby --latest. Easy! 3. Upgraded to latest MacOSX 10.11 EI Capitan , Then you Might Know about OSX’s new System Integrity Protection ( SIP ) feature , Now you or any app can’t modify the /System or /usr or any other system files even with root permissions. Once this command has finished running you may need to restart your terminal for rvm to be recognised. Then we’ll use “rvm”, the Ruby Version Manager, to install a new version of Ruby. In this tutorial we recommend that you use Ruby Version Manager (RVM) for this purpose. Rails ships with sqlite3 as the default database. The major commands around Ruby: ruby; gem; bundle; rbenv version manager or; rvm version manager; PROTIP: There is a war going on within the Ruby community between rvm and rbenv. The first tools we're going to install are the Xcode command-line tools. 1. Most of the time, this is the result of Apple's Xcode not being installed on your system, or, if it is, not being the current version. rvm will install an up-to-date version alongside your existing version. Check the version of Ruby installed on your Mac. Xcode is a suite of development tools from Apple, including tools for building Mac and iPhone applications. Installing Ruby with RVM. Xcode is available on the Mac App Store or can be downloaded from Apple’s Developer site. Open terminal and type: ruby -v. 2. If you are facing problem while installing homebrew I am going to show you how to disable SIP temporarily to install homebrew and other SIP related … Chances are you won't want to use it because it's stored as a simple file on disk. RVM works by installing Ruby inside your home directory and manages the environment variables to allow you to switch between the system-wide Ruby and any Ruby installed using RVM. Before you can deploy your app on the production server, you need to install Ruby. Lastly, we’ll use our newly-installed Ruby tools to install the Rails library itself. We're going to install sqlite3 from homebrew because we can't use the built-in version with macOS Sierra without running into some troubles. For this course, we only need the Xcode command-line tools, as many other tools rely on them. Install the Ruby Version Manager rvm. From my experiences, the biggest gotcha is when you try to install a new version of Ruby with RVM, and you're met with a handful of confusing errors. Install with curl \curl -sSL | bash -s stable; Source the RVM source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm; Upgrading Ruby with RVM. In terminal, curl -L | bash -s stable. Easy! If you want to install a specific version of Ruby, simply run $ rvm install ruby-2.4.0 , replacing the version number with the one you want. To locate the Terminal, open Finder on your MacOS, click on Applications, locate the Utilities folder as shown in the image below, open the folder … Install the latest version of Ruby. Installing Ruby 2.0.0 with RVM and Homebrew on Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion This is a tutorial on how to install Ruby 2.0.0 on Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion.