"filter by cell value" shortcut I am looking for a way to set a keyboard shortcut for a task I repeat dozens of times every day: filtering a spreadsheet by cell value. The easiest way to select visible cells in Excel is by using the following keyboard shortcut: For windows: ALT + ; (hold the ALT key and then press the semicolon key) For Mac: Cmd+Shift+Z Here is a screencast where I select only the visible cells, copy the visible cells (notice the marching ants around selection), and paste these: You can filter by: Cell's value; Cell's color; Cell’s font color; Cell's icon . 1. You can also sort a list by selected cell’s column in either ascending or descending order. A shortcut menu displays that includes filter options such as Equals, Greater Than, and Between. Press Ctrl and select the cells where you want to paste (in the same rows) To select only the visible cells in the selection, press Alt + ; (the semi-colon) To copy to the right, press Ctrl + R; The data is magically copied to the visible cells on the right, even though the columns are not adjacent. Where: Array (required) - the range or array of values that you want to filter. Click any cell inside the data and use the shortcut. The keyboard shortcut is the quickest way to select visible cells only, but if you don't use this feature often, you can instead use the Go To Special menu. 2. Step 1: Type your value into a cell, then right-click the cell and select the Copy option. Its height (when data is in columns) or width (when data is in rows) must be equal to the that of the array argument. Select the range of cells … Step 2: Select the group of cells into which you want to paste the copied value, then right-click inside the selection, then click the Paste button under Paste Options . D you knnow that you can filter the data as per the selected cell on Excel spreadsheet. Select a filter command from the list. Select Visible Cells using a Keyboard Shortcut. You can instantly turn on / off filters … ; If_empty (optional) - the value to return when no entries meet the criteria. Process:-1. Alternatively, you can press Ctrl + C on your keyboard to copy the cell value. It will add filter icons, the same way as when we were creating a table, but this time we won’t be asked whether our columns have headers, and it doesn’t format our cells visually. in my view the second one ( Debug.Print area.Address(0, 0) ) will catch all "selections/areas". I know I can right click any cell and then select Filter -> By cell value from the context menu, but am looking for a snappier alternative. Select the cell on which you want to apply the filter or right click directly on it. Bonus tips on Filters: You can even filter by selected cell’s color, font or conditional formatting icon. To turn off filter icons use Ctrl + Shift + L again. Video: Paste With Shortcut in Filtered Excel List If you use the Alt+Down shortcut on any other cell, Excel will show the list of values that are already entered in that column. ; Include (required) - the criteria supplied as a Boolean array (TRUE and FALSE values). Excel 2007 onwards versions has this feature. if a single row of cells is selected, Selection.Value still returns a 2D array, size (1 to 1, 1 to n) – chris neilsen Dec 14 '16 at 2:14 is there a reason why the first Debug.Print Selection.Address(0, 0) is there? On the Value Filter () dialog box, enter the filter criteria.