If there is a Reaper Queen color region in the ARK Color ID list, then a specific color can appear as well as on creatures hidden or visible. EDIT: Here is the list of Color IDs in the game: http://ark.gamepedia.com/Color_IDs. There are still some areas with the color mutations that are a little vague (as they're harder to prove 100% without concrete numerical evidence like the stats) and I will clarify what I know as fact and what I CONSIDER fact based on overwhelming evidence. This page was last edited on 30 December 2020, at 01:36. BEST WAY TO GET COLOR MUTATIONS! I'm writing this guide to help a lot of new to mid-tier players with breeding and mutations. If you have questions about this, I'll answer them in the post. Once you get the 21st mutation. In my experience it's best to breed a mutated dino with a tamed dino (thus no "genetic info", more likely to pass on colors), I applaud you for the great work you've done. Either way, sure toss screenshots and I'd be happy to take a look. ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki is a Fandom Gaming Community. It can be any color on this list, not just 1 thru 18. UPDATE: You CANNOT get mutations on a side once it's over 20/20. "My dino mutated, and I don't see anything new. Grow up and learn how to have a reasonable conversation. Regardless, I've already updated this guide to reflect the possibility, so anyone flipping out over it should just relax. In the episode we cover the best way to start getting color mutations, and how to stack your mutations to get the colors you want! The baby has no new mutations but still inherited a 5/20 Mutation Score from the combination of the parents. That's insane, right!? They often attack with a "run-and-bite" strategy and can pounce at smaller targets than itself or of equal size holding the target down making them unable to move, making it difficult to defend against an onslaught. We have many dinos with mutation colors outside this range, like ID 53 (Dino Medium Blue) and 54 (Dino Deep Blue), on our Official PVE server. Well, as said the Mutation Scores pass on regardless. That's fine, no one is saying this is the definitive final say on Mutations. Excellent write up. I also read it could take 8-10 generations for the first mutation to appear in a line, and it's not necessarily a color mutation always, but I've still yet to get any mutations at all. This works, we've done it. Only three buffs can be equipped at once. It lives near bodies of water, due to the fact that it eats fish as its main diet. From this list, all mutations come from Color IDS 1 thru 18. called it! This post wasn't made to be a competition with you. Of that 10%, at least 80% of those babies go on to eventually breed out their dormant colors. Ark: Survival Evolved | Breeding and Mutations for Dummies (Simple Guide) Before we get into the guild, I would like to state that my way of breeding isn’t the only way. However, when a color mutates the game simply pulls from the Color Region numbers 0 - 5, and sometimes it will pull from a region not actually found on your dino. This is something I haven't seen discussed much before, but it's very relevant and we'll discuss why in a bit. Essentially, a parent can mutate a stat by +2, and then have that new mutated stat NOT pass on in Stat Selection. Very nice writeup, but there's still one thing I'm not completely sure about. This is nothing to brag about, it actually usually means your dino is just shit. The game chose a color region to mutate that is not actually found on your dino, and your color mutation was lost as a result. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Hopefully this clarifies some areas for people and hopefully now you have a better understanding of how it works. Keep in mind, just like Stat Selection, there is a Color Selection process as well. If you can get both under 20/20, you're doubling your opportunities for mutations. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Here's a disclaimer: ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING I SAY HERE COULD VERY WELL BE WRONG. I'm not trying to update the wiki with this, there's a reason I posted this on Reddit and didn't try to update the wiki myself. ARK Survival Evolved Scorched Earth New Player Guide. I believe a lot of it to be fact, and I can assume some of it is probably close to being right with room for improvement. It does not make a difference if these two dinos are bred dinos or fresh tamed wild dinos, it's the same chance for all. We had a doed last night get 25(Dino Light Green). When your dino mutates, the game randomly selects a Color Region from the known possibilities (0 - 5) regardless of if your dino has all 6 Color Regions available to it. No colors, no stats, nothing.". Actually, I'm going to add 53/54 because I do believe I've seen the medium blue. You only want to breach 20/20 on one side once all 20 of those points are actually mutations and not just exponential Mutation Score growth. You can in fact roll mutated stats on dinos well above 20/20 with the method he mentioned. ARK Mutation Guide E1 - Ark Survival Evolved by TagBackTV. A Color Mutation will always accompany the Stat Mutation. If you mutated t-rexes over ten years hunting for mutations, you could have a t-rex on an official server with +500 points in Melee. My claim is that this is a one-stop area for all math involved in breeding and mutation stacking. ARK Color ID: Some of these colors do not apply to wild creatures naturally, but these colors can appear inbred creatures as a mutation. I believe the entire mutation happens before the baby selects it's stats and colors. Are mutations tied directly to a stat, or separate? What this means is a parent will mutate and increase a stat by +2, BEFORE the Stat Selection determines if a baby is getting either stat from the parents, and this allows for some shitty outcomes.